Chennai Civil-tech Chennai Civil-tech Chennai Civil-tech


Concrete Core Extraction & Testing

Non-Destructive Tests / Quality Auditing / Quality Assessment / Structural evaluation on old & new RC Structures

Schemes for Restoration & Rehabilitation of RC Structures

Technical Consultancy & Advisory Services

Dissemination of Technical Knowledge/ Seminars/ Workshops


Non-Destructive Tests

Allied Activities

Technical Training Course Programme

Soil Investigation

Bitumen Design Mix / Job Mix






We take pleasure in introducing our organization viz. CHENNAI CIVIL-TECH RESEARCH FOUNDATION Pvt. Ltd. (CCTRF), floated in 2007 & promoted by a group of highly qualified and experienced Technical personnel. CCTRF is a centre for Civil Engineering Services, Our NDT Division located at Velachery, Chennai.

CCTRF is fully geared for fast track construction agencies, where reliable, accurate, and quick delivery of test results. The Laboratory has all the facilities to conduct the ND Tests on all types of buildings, as per relevant IS codes with reasonable testing charges. Also, CCTRF is professionally equipped and capable of undertaking all sorts of Consultancy and Advisory services, QA-QC Auditing, Non Destructive Tests, Structural evaluation, Schemes of Restoration & Rehabilitation for all types of RCC & PSC structures.

CCTRF is proud to express that it has successfully completed its 17 years in rendering Technical Consultancy & advisory services, NDT services to a number of State & Central Govt. Depts. like, RBI, ISRO-SHAR, IGCAR, S.Rlys, RITES, PWD, CPWD, Port Trust, TNEB, TNSCB, Corporation of Chennai, Public & Private Sectors like, MNCs, IT Parks, Industrial Buildings, Residential & Commercial complexes Projects etc., throughout India.

The Management Team

CCTRF is well-known in its Research and Civil Engineering Technical Services. The group is headed by Mr. H.G.Sreenath, Technical Director, a Retd.Deputy Director from SERC, Chennai having over 48 years of experience both in India and abroad in all kinds of Civil Engineering Laboratory Research including NDT & Advisory Services like, Repairs and Rehabilitation of Structures. He is a recipient of Award of �Outstanding Concrete Engineer of Tamilnadu-2011� instituted by ICI & Ulratech.

He has to his credit numerous consultancy projects related to Assessment of quality of concrete in major structures, Investigation, Assessment and Rehabilitation of distressed concrete structures, Safety auditing of Port structures, Chemical and Fertilizer plants and fire damaged structures. He has published more than 100 Technical papers in national and International conferences and journals. He has visited USA, USSR, Tanzania, on various civil engineering projects.

CCTRF is managed by the undersigned, A.V. Balachandra, Executive Director, having over 33 years of experience in Laboratory Testing and evaluation of building materials & ND Tests, was heading the branch in Chennai for Torsteel Research Foundation in India (TRFI) & Civil Aid Technoclinic Pvt.Ltd.

Mr. Hanif Mohammed, Director, Techno Commercial, having over 25 years experience in the field of Civil Engineering, was heading projects in a reputed organization.

R. Latheef, Director (Operations), is having over 20 years of Admin. experience in the field of Laboratory Testing on Building Materials, having worked in Torsteel Research Foundation in India (TRFI), and later, Civil- Aid Techno Clinic Pvt. Ltd., Chennai.

In addition, the organization is strongly supported by a dedicated group of Technical Advisors who are experts in the field of Civil Engineering Advisory and Consultancy Services.

About Shri H.G.Sreenath

Shri H. G Sreenath Formerly Deputy Director and Head, Prestressed concrete Group SERC, Chennai and formerly , Advisor (Technical), M/s Civil-Aid Techno Clinic (Pvt) Ltd, Chennai. He received his B.Sc. (Engg.) - Civil degree from Ranchi University 1967, and M.S. (Engg.Mech) degree from IIT Chennai-1973. He was a Research Scientist at Structural Engineering Research Centre (SERC), Chennai, since 1968, till December 2004. He was working in the area of reinforced concrete and prestressed concrete.

He was deeply involved in :

  • Development of concrete products and processes for Housing-Partial Prefabrication
  • Development of accessories for construction, and efficient techniques
  • Large panel prefabrication, with particular reference to Mass production of large panels for on- site Prefabrication
  • Development of medium strength and High strength Fly ash concrete

He is one of the Patentees for the two products/processes developed at SERC. He has worked on Safety Auditing of concrete structures(RC and PSC) by systematic inspection and testing, and suggesting methods to enhance the service life of the structures and Investigation, assessment and rehabilitation of distressed concrete structures -Corrosion- affected and Fire -affected structures (RC and PSC). He was also deeply involved in the development of," Cost-effective disaster resistant construction system using RHCBM", a project sponsored by M/s BMTPC, New Delhi. He has to his credit over 130 consultancy projects related to Assessment of quality of concrete in major and important structures, Investigation, Assessment and Rehabilitation of distressed concrete structures (Corrosion-affected and Fire-affected), Safety auditing of Port structures, Chemical and Fertilizer plants, and has published more than  100 Technical papers in national and International conferences and journals. He has also worked in the area of High Strength concrete, and its application in prestressed concrete members. He has prepared technology profiles on concrete products and processes developed by SERC, and these profiles were published in a book entitled, "Building materials and components - Technology for developing countries" published for CBRI, Roorkee by Tata Mc Graw-hill publishing company limited, New Delhi in 1990. and technology profiles on concrete products and processes developed by SERC, and these profiles were published in a book entitled, "Directory of Rural technologies-Part-Ill", by National institute of rural development", Hyderabad-30

He was deputed to United States of America for twelve months for training under the auspices of United Nations Development Programme (IJNDP) on, "Production of prefabricated components for industrialized building" during November 1975 to November 1976. He was deputed to Soviet Union as a member of the Indian Mission during September 1989, to USSR in connection with the UNCHS I USSR I GOl Project to take part in discussions at Latvian Building Research Institute, Riga, USSR, and to Kenya and Tanzania - Africa as a member of the Indian Mission (Indian Expert) during Jan. 1990 for discussions at IJNCHS, Nairobi, Kenya and later to Tanzania, to observe, visit various organizations involved in production of building materials and collect relevant data to enable UNCHS, Nairobi, to prepare a comprehensive report on "Building Materials - Status in Tanzania - A Case study". This document was discussed at the Workshop cum Exhibition held at Riga, USSR, during May 1990.

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